At Children’s Academy, we believe that every student merits quality education in an integrated academic environment where they are stimulated to achieve the best and for that, they are offered the best assistance, guidance, and resources to succeed in life with the help of our inclusive education.
The four central pillars of our foundation are:
- Academic Distinction
- Moral Focus
- Student discipline with involvement
- Parental Partnership
The mission of Children’s Academy is to furnish a thought-provoking learning environment that encourages educational quality and help students to enjoy ongoing learning and be winners in life. Quality education is essential for the foundation of a student's success in school, college and in real life. We offer a top-notch curriculum to students with an exhaustive understanding and command of the core subjects. Our ultimate aim is to improve our students' academic performance as top priority. We believe that a good school should develop a student's mind as well as heart. Our moral focus is on incorporating human virtues such as integrity compassion, and respect, in our students.
Our systems involve participation in and enjoyment of other skills like art, music, drama and sports. We also encourage our learners to actively take part in the “Theme days” like Holi, Diwali, Christmas and many more multicultural activities to expose them to multicultural atmosphere and bring the best out of them.
The school emblem consists of the rising sun spreading its crimson glow which redeems from darkness to light, the Motto "Tamaso Ma Jyotirgamaya" means leading from darkness to light. Maa Saraswati is Goddess of Wisdom.